Friday, November 9, 2007

Opposite Nutrition

I've been talking to a few people lately & I always offer my opinions freely when asked. They ask me about what to eat & they tell me the woes of high cholesterol. About how their doctor wants them to get on lipitor, cut fat, exercise more. They tell me how they eat...low fat, hardly any red meat, lots of vegetables, some fruit, low fat dairy, no saturated fat.

I tell them about high quality (meaning raised on pasture or an otherwise appropriate diet, never fed medication or hormones, raised humanely, slaughtered humanely, raised & offered by local farmers), nutritionally dense, delicious, packed full of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids types of food including cooking with lard from pasture raised animals, organic traditionally made coconut oil, raw butter, raw full fat milk from pasture raised cows or goats, raw cheese, eggs from pastured hens, little to no refined sugar, limited complex grains properly prepared, and other quality animal foods.

Then I sit back & watch the expression of surprised horror spread across their face. They couldn't possibly eat those things! Their doctor would flip out! What about the cholesterol? What about the heart disease? What about the blood sugar?

Bunk. I tell them to look up the advice of the American Heart Association and the Diabetic Association... and then do exactly the opposite and they'll be just fine. They laugh a little at that one.

People are getting sicker. What will it take for the general public to branch out & try something different? Dare to challenge the medical/pharmaceutical/food industries. What exactly makes you think that your health is their top priority anyway? They run a business. The goal of a business is to make money, and continue to make money. If you die or those you love die, so what? Do you get a condolence card from them? No. You get more bad advice about how to get sicker.

I know, I know, conspiracy theory & all that. I can hear you thinking. All I'm saying is dare to try something different because what you're doing right now isn't doing you any favors. Find sources for local, real, high quality food. Eat it. Feel better.

Stop worrying about your cholesterol. Read Nina Planck's book: Real Food, What to Eat & Why. It's the book I wish I'd written. Follow her advice. You'll be healthy.

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